We believe that play is the driving force behind children’s learning and development. It is the best way for them make sense of their world and help them on their journey to find their place in it.
Research into brain development tells us that the first five years in a child’s life are the most precious in terms of acquiring a life-long disposition for learning, and that filling these years with quality, play-based experiences can make an incredible difference for a child’s ability to meet their future potential.
This kind of play-based programming is central to our curriculum, as it is evidenced that meaningful play, far from an idle pastime, helps a child to understand their environment and culture, build foundational physical skills, navigate the complexity of relationships, explore their thoughts and feelings, discover their strengths and face challenges that require problem-solving and critical thinking with confidence.

Caterpillar Room

The Caterpillar room is where each child will find a safe and secure space to nourish trusting relationships with their educators. Being a toddler can be tough; the bigger you get, the bigger the world around you becomes. Here, a child can begin to feel very big indeed, learning to look after themselves, socialise with others and establish their identity as they grow.

Butterfly Room

The Butterfly room is where each child will spread their wings, opening up to a vista of new potential. Incidental playmates turn into fast friends, and the nuances of their personalities start to form a bigger picture. Here, interests among the group can turn into projects and ideas shared between peers and can become even more complex and creative in the midst of play.

Bees Room

The Bees room is where each child will set the stage for their transition to school. By exploring more of their world with a wide-eyed wonder. Here, they use the foundation they have formed to extend their play further than ever, being able to coordinate games, take on greater responsibilities, and co-construct a love of learning that they will carry with them to school and beyond.