At St Jude’s Early Learning we encourage a pre-school, play-based approach that involves negotiating, problem solving, taking risks, trying new things and seeing how things work.

Play is an activity where children show their remarkable ability for exploration, imagination and decision making.

Children learn about themselves, their relationships and the world around them – and it’s fun!

The educational program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), Being, Belonging, Becoming and incorporates the United Nations Rights of the Child.

The indoor environment is well resourced and reflects children’s ages, interests, knowledge, strengths, abilities and culture to stimulate and support play and learning.

Learning experiences are both planned and spontaneous and are based on the assessment of children’s individual differences, interests, developmental needs and ability.



The children are exposed to many languages and the program utilizes educators home language to incorporate diversity and inclusion. The ELLA (Early Learning Languages Australia) is a digital, play-based language learning program for preschool children. This Australian Government initiative inspires children by driving a genuine interest in a new language and culture.



Our music teacher engages with the children on a daily basis and provides opportunities for children to experience a rich, diverse and developmentally appropriate music program.



All meals are prepared on the premises by our qualified and experienced chef, with an emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables. Children are provided with a wide range of healthy and nutritious food for meals and snacks. Our state-of-the-art kitchen is well resourced and is able to cater to children with specific dietary requirements.Mealtimes are social events with children being able to experience farm to the table, with our own vegetable patch tended by the children. We recognise the importance of healthy eating to support children’s healthy growth and development.